Bee Movie Shrine
Bary Bee Benson


Bary Bee Benson

Thanks for stoppi'n by to worship our most prized object in this realm. The Bee Movie. This website is dedicated to everything that the bee movie has given us, whether that be hope or even justice.

The Bee Movie is an award winning masterpiece with at least a 50% rating on rotten tomatoes. I made this website as a tribute to the movie that resonates with me and continues to change my life, ever since I was 4 years old. The reason this movie resonates with me and many others (possibly including you) is because of the genius comedy stylings it spreads throughout its saddeningly short run time. The picture to the right contains a certain bee we all know and love. Barry Bee Benson.

Bary Bee Benson

Although Barry Bee Benson is not my favourite character (as seen in "Favourite Character") he is held special in my heart as he is the one with the most screen time. He also is a charismatic, adventurous bee that has one goal. Freedom for his species, The Bees. This courageous goal must not be overlooked even if it did not work out in the end as he still stood up for what he believed in. This is why he deserved to be the main character.

The famous meme / quote "Ya like jazz?" came from this movie, boosting its popularity. This scene is from when Barry Bee Benson is trapped inside after struggling outside the hive. He wants to ask for help from the human but doesn't know what to say. He comes up with something but finally says, in a jazzy voice, the famous quote. This is not the only meme to come from this movie however, with many of the scenes being clipped and edited to create funny clips, gifs and images.

The origins of this movie are said to have been from Dreamworks®. I and a few others think not. We are trying to prove many theories. Our most evident is that The Bee Movie is a social experiment by the government that went successfully. The other theory is that The Bee Movie came from an alternate plane of reality neighbouring ours where bees can actually talk and have heightened strength as well as intelligence. This movie could have been live action in that realm on their technology which makes the film look CGI (due to their culture). The tape is thought to have been accidentally clipped out of reality and was brought back by a scientist exploring the backrooms. This is only speculated though as it could have (by some miracle) clipped straight into our reality. There is a possibility that it was purposely brought here through a science experiment on their plane, as we do not know much about their world.

Tary Tary

Now you have seen a slight insider on the Bee Movie Shrine you can explore the many other pages this website has to offer. And a last note before you go, consider sharing our cause to others that are trustworthy and that are as well adept with The Bee Movie as yourself (assuming you read everything on this page).

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