Bee Movie Shrine

My favourite character in The Bee Movie is Larry King. You may have thought I would pick the famous Barry Bee Benson but I did not because I am not basic and have a life.

RTX off LarryKing

I like Larry King because he is one of the only reporters in this entire world that is a bee. He is a reference to Bob Hoskins in the way he looks, his background and what he does. I do not know who Bob Hoskins is but he sounds cool.

I also like him for his resemblance to Armstrong from the game Metal Gear Rising. They have close to the same head shape and a small resemblance in hair.

RTX on Armstrong

An honourable mention is Ken, which I was going to pick instead but I came to the realisation that he is too self centred and can not be trusted.


You may disagree with what I have chosen and think that other characters are more suited, but that is your own opinion not mine. This page is based off of my favourite character so it is bound to disagree with others opinions.
