Bee Movie Shrine
This is a scene near the end of the movie where the bees are reclaiming all the honey and are getting rid of honey theaving bears. This is a subtle reference to winnie the pooh where the bear has similar stature and colour to the famous bear. (That is a tranquiliser).
This is the scene where Kenneth sets fire to the bathroom, trying to exterminate Barry Bee Benson. This shows how deranged this man is and how he should be stopped at all costs.

This is my overall favourite scene. This is where Barry Bee Benson says his famous catchphrase "Ya like jazz". This quote resonates with me because I like jazz.


Not only is this my overall favourite scene, it is most people's too. This is the most known scene from The Bee Movie and the most liked. Usually I don't follow everyone else's opinion (because I am based) but this time the people are right.

Hopefully you agree with me in my decisions for favourite scenes, but if you don't that's cool. I would like to hear your favourite scene (but i can't).

Honourable Mentions
Funne Fire Door From Undertale NSFW Hospital