World Of Warcraft, WoW Hand Armor

Site History


  • [DYNAMIC PAGE] ~ A page thats content is ment to change over time meaning that not all content changes will be listed in Site History
  • The-Break ~ A giant 9 month break I took from March in 2022 to April in 2023


May 2023

[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Site History Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This page is used to store historical moments and changes in the sites history. I had the idea to do this since the "Badge Page" as it reminded me of what the site used to be and how far it had come, making me want to share the journey with the sites users =).


This is "The Museum Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This page is used as a catagory selection page for history of things to seperate sections of history that are unrelated to each other. Only The "Site History" page exist.


This is an updated version of Home Page V2. This version adds a Chat Box (allowing users to chat or just say hi =]) and an Updates Section (to tell users of new things).


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Update History Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This is used to store all the update ever listed on the home page (as that one only has the 10 newest on it).


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Art Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This is where I keep all my art projects like drawings or 3D renders (and possibly other stuff down the line).

April 2023

This is version 2 of the Home Page, remade with the "Sadgrl Layout". This is a marginal improvment over the March 22 Home Page and has function aswell as style. There Is an improved Navigation Bar, a dedicated Chonk Section (with imood functionality), social links, Web Guardian, descriptions and a GIFY Pet of Chonk.


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Intrests Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This page is used to show any interests I have and in what formated into one big list (with links if neccessary e.g. media)


This is "The Photo Select Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This page is used as a catagory selection page for photos to seperate photos that are unrelated to each other. Only The "Game Photos" and "Things I Have" pages exist.


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Game Photos Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This is where I store all of my photos (that I care about) from games (that I care about).


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Things I Own Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This is a page to show some cool things I have! They are catagorised into sections depending on what the item is.


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is Version 2 of the Badge Page. This version of the Badge Page includes blinkies and changes Marionette to Chonk. It is kept in its origonal layout as a little peace of history.


[DYNAMIC PAGE] This is "The Credits Page" using the "Sadgrl Layout". This is just a list of all the things I have used in my website that came from other people.

March 2022

This was and is the entrance page to the site. This page has not changed... at all, and is the only page to not change (this may change in the future).


The Home Page used to look like this before The-Break* and was utterly unfinished, as I wanted to form the rest of the website first so I could talk more about the content in the website.


[DYNAMIC PAGE] The Badge Page used to look like this before The-Break* and was mostly finished with just the need of more badges and an updated navigation bar. The blinkies section dose not exist in this version as I honestly didn't think I would want to add any, but later versions do include them. Last notable change is that the top picks are not Chonk's but insted Marionette's. This is because I did not have anything to put there and so it was a place holder (Chonk was created after this page, in The-Break*).